surface table中文什么意思

发音:   用"surface table"造句
  • surface:    n. 1.表面;地面;水面;广场,空 ...
  • table:    n. 1.桌子;饭桌,餐台。 2.手 ...
  • table surface:    工作台台面; 咀嚼面; 磨面; 咬合 ...
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  1. For example , microsoft says , an outdoors - shop customer could use a surface table to customize a snowboard and transfer an image of his creation to a mobile device simply by putting it on the table
  2. Abstract : a new data structure that one link - list was composed of polygon - surface table , edge table and vertex table was proposed to describe the geometry information and topology information of control polyhedron m in the rese arch of modeling with closed surface . compared with other structures which were a pplicable to the work , the structure was understandable , economize and conveniently to modify . after describing the detail of the geometry information , topology inf ormation included in the tables of polygon - surface , edge and vertex , and the poin t - link form of the adjacency multilist between the tables , a concise instance was given in clanguage array


  1. surface surveying 什么意思
  2. surface sweewashing 什么意思
  3. surface swimmer 什么意思
  4. surface synoptic chart 什么意思
  5. surface synoptic station 什么意思
  6. surface tack eliminator 什么意思
  7. surface taint 什么意思
  8. surface tangent 什么意思
  9. surface taping 什么意思
  10. surface target 什么意思


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